She Copied Me

A video performance created at Sim Residency in Iceland 
Performance,Camcorder footage, 2 Paintings
An exhibition took place in Reykjavik at Sim Residency in 2021.

My sister and I hiked through Eldfell, we moved until we found a non-descriptive area to paint a landscape for each other on a piece of glass. The exercise was to paint one another into the landscape utilizing the same method. We wanted to show the differences between us. Even after we verbalized a methodology, we wielded different results.

As your body moves through a landscape that you trace, you may realize your perception always changes. As I tried and tried again to paint my sister, she moved within the landscape, holding a camera, and as a result instead of drawing one of her, I drew multiples of her. This could show us that a human being can not grasp a landscape within a painting or reproduction, or even comprehend a body in totality by drawing a linear landscape, or taking a photograph simultaneously.

“Identity and resemblance would then be no more than inevitable illusions.”

Gilles Deleuze, Difference and Repetition